Vision for America


Welcome to Vision for America. This is an evolving site to develop a Vision for America that improves the well-being of Americans within the financial constraints of our Federal Government. The intent is to provide an easy to understand tutorial to inform and educate our politicians and citizens regarding the unique set of economic rules that apply at the Federal Government level. The current misunderstanding among many about the rules that apply to local and state governments versus the Federal Government is the source of much controversary and tragic policy decisions that harm tens of millions of Americans.   America is the richest and largest country and economy in the world with tremendous untapped power and resources. However, very little of this power or potential is realized. Today far too many of America’s policies are more appropriate for third world developing countries rather than America. In the following series of videos and educational links on this web site you will be able to quickly understand the incredibly bright future that lies ahead for America.   Without a vision of where we want to go, we will stay where we are.  

1. A Balanced Economy

A balanced economy is a balance between full employment and low inflation at the federal macroeconomic level. While a balanced budget is necessary in the microeconomies of state and local governments it is meaningless in the federal macroeconomy. This is a major and critical misunderstanding among politicians at the Federal Government level. 

2. Full Employment

Anyone willing to work should have a guaranteed living wage job. The Federal Government provides funding to local governments who define the community needs that can be filled with their citizens who are willing to work but cannot find either a job or enough hours.

Low Inflation

The upper boundary on federal spending is low inflation. The concept of the limitations of a balanced budget apply only to microeconomies of local/state governments and have no place in the macroeconomy of the Federal Government. “How will we pay for it?” is the wrong question. Will it cause inflation is the right question.